Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Feature Shoot ( Last Chance )

1. A Glimpse Into the Surreal World of Japanese Robotics - Sahara Borja



Photography Luisa Whitton’s
4. Black and white, less advertisement, Clean.
5.This blog is about humanoid of Japan. The robots are keep revolutioning. in near future, it will be hard to compare with human-robot. Also japanese science technology is not just "technology" they are asking them selves a question of life and death.

Photography Luisa Whitton’s

Triangle Triangle ( Last Chance )

1.Triangle Triangle


By Benoit P.
4. This blog gathered a lot of pictures from many kind of photo graphers. It seems as just "One Gallery"
5.This article, the photo grapher want to show us  the awesome night skies surrounding from"the mother Earth"

Urbanautica ( Last Chance )

1. "Block" By Axel Stevens



By Alex Stevens
4. Old, antique style. It seems like mysterious, ghost photo blog.
5. This photo grapher took a picture of old houses build up with blocks. all of his pictures are black-white picture. Alex want to show readers about violence through the building. it can be different meaning for every each people.

Aperture Magazine Blog ( Last Chance )

1. Pipe and Tie-Dye
   Matthew Spiegelman



By Matthew Spiegelman
4. Familiar homepage design with korean internet blog site. cute.
5. The photographer Matthew showed through this picture with focussing half cut smoking pipe, clothes, and tropical  plants to approach to the essence. the pipe looks like Human bone.

NY Times Art & Design ( Last chance )

1. Giving Snapshots the Gonzo Treatment
    by - Ralph Steadman



By Ralph Steadman

4. Looks modern style, and seems popular because it is NY times Art & Design.

5. It's article is about the photographer made his picture extend draw with pen it seems like comic book, and also it's interesting.

Conscientous ( Last Chance )

1. Bertrand Carrier, Joerg Colberg


By Joerg Colberg
Apr 23, 2013

4. Really really Simple, short.

5.This article is about the pictures that "The essential character of place" Actually I don't like this blog. I can't find nothing what i interested in, and too few articles and lack of explanation.

Lenscratch ( Last Chance )

1. The 2014 GIF Exhibition By Aline Smithson


Saige Rowe, Untitled, Milwaukee, WI

4. Easy to look, and find for reader's interests.

5.This article made interested in for me in only a few seconds. It is about GIFs what I learned last class. I really liked because I like GIFs.

My World ( Last chance )

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Glasstire ( Last Chance )

1. Nicolas G. Miller : Common Sense



the work of Nicolas G. Miller

4. Simple, the design of blog seems internet news.

5. Symmetry of white pillar, and wooden pillar in the empty space.
        White glossy cube attracted me to choose that blog. It seem like robot head. It was interesting for me.
        The post script of the exhibition. in the room, there was a soundtrack which is used by  Steven Spielberg for his movie. The writer was amazed.
        At first, i was interested in first picture of the blog, but after read article, I want to go there and see.